Welcome to Dargon Den!

Dargon Den is an Indie Developer and entertainment team, run by OrieDargon and Arakados!

On this website, you'll find various projects we have or will create in the future!

Our projects will consist of stories, future projects, and indie games, like To the Skye,

Stories in the Tymeline universe,

or The Dargon Den: an episodic story about dragons!

{ OrieDargon : SkyeSilver : Lyli : Madeline : Magolor}

Founders and co-owners of Dargon Den! Silly, musical, dragon lovers who write stories! (Getting into programming!)

They are a co-owner of Dargon Den! A silly and arty dragon working on their skills!

He's a professional 3d modeler, foxboi, and close friends with the co-owners of Dargon Den. (Bounded to Dargon Den because of O&L)